— The worst-case delay/power of function units has been used in traditional high level synthesis to facilitate design space exploration. As technology scales to nanometer regime,...
Meeting timing constraint is one of the most important issues for modern design automation tools. This situation is exacerbated with the existence of process variation. Current hi...
—As the complexity of the integrated circuits increases, they become more susceptible to manufacturing faults, decreasing the total process yield. Thus, it would be desirable to ...
Nima Honarmand, A. Shahabi, Hasan Sohofi, Maghsoud...
Most existing high-level synthesis(HLS) systems attempt to generate a circuit from a behavioral description \out of the void", using the entire design space as the search dom...
Atsushi Masuda, Hiroshi Imai, Jeffery P. Hansen, M...
Abstract-- Increasing delay and power variation are significant challenges to the designers as technology scales to the deep sub-micron (DSM) regime. Traditional module selection t...