Improvements in semiconductor technology now enable Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). As many future computer systems will use one or more CMPs and support shared memory, such systems ...
Michael R. Marty, Jesse D. Bingham, Mark D. Hill, ...
Traditional coherence protocols present a set of difficult tradeoffs: the reliance of snoopy protocols on broadcast and ordered interconnects limits their scalability, while dire...
Tokenization is one of the initial steps done for almost any text processing task. It is not particularly recognized as a challenging task for English monolingual systems but it r...
As tokenization is usually ambiguous for many natural languages such as Chinese and Korean, tokenization errors might potentially introduce translation mistakes for translation sy...
Xinyan Xiao, Yang Liu, Young-Sook Hwang, Qun Liu, ...
Many future shared-memory multiprocessor servers will both target commercial workloads and use highly-integrated “glueless” designs. Implementing low-latency cache coherence i...