Memory accesses account for a large percentage of total power in microprocessor-based embedded systems. The increasing use of microprocessor cores and synthesis, rather than prefa...
Adding a small loop cache to a microprocessor has been shown to reduce average instruction fetch energy for various sets of embedded system applications. With the advent of core-b...
Energy consumption is a major concern in embedded computing systems. Several studies have shown that cache memories account for about 40% or more of the total energy consumed in t...
Hamid Noori, Maziar Goudarzi, Koji Inoue, Kazuaki ...
The power consumed by the memory hierarchy of a microprocessor can contribute to as much as 50% of the total microprocessor system power, and is thus a good candidate for optimiza...
Tuning a configurable cache subsystem to an application can greatly reduce memory hierarchy energy consumption. Previous tuning methods use a level one configurable cache only, or...