The Osaka Legged Robot Team, BabyTigers-98, attended the First Sony Legged Robot Competition and Demonstration which was held at La Cite La Villeta, a science and technology museum...
Abstract. In this paper we present early work on an animated talking head commentary system called Byrne. The goal of this project is to develop a system which can take the output ...
The RoboCup simulator competition is one of the most challenging international proving grounds for contemporary AI research. Exactly because of the high level of complexity and a l...
A well designed cooperation strategy for a task oriented multi-agent team is important as it can improve performance. A challenging research issue in cooperation concerns the exten...
In most multiagent systems with communicating agents, the agents have the luxury of using reliable, multi-step negotiation protocols. They can do so primarily when communication i...
Abstract. The SocRob project was born as a challenge for multidisciplinary research on broad and generic approaches for the design of a cooperative robot society, involving Control...
This paper describes the CMUnited-99 small-size robot team. The team builds on our previous RoboCup champion teams (’97 and ’98). The team reuses much of the hardware, percepti...
Manuela M. Veloso, Michael H. Bowling, Sorin Achim
In recent years, many researchers in AI and Robotics pay attention to RoboCup, because robotic soccer games needs various techniques in AI and Robotics, such as navigation, behavi...