Illustrations play a major role in the education process. Whether used to teach a surgical or radiologic procedure, to illustrate normal or aberrant anatomy, or to explain the fun...
We present a higher-order approach to the extraction of isosurfaces from unstructured meshes. Existing methods use linear interpolation along each mesh edge to find isosurface in...
In this paper, we present two novel texture-based techniques to visualize uncertainty in time-dependent 2D flow fields. Both methods use semi-Lagrangian texture advection to sho...
Existing parallel or remote rendering solutions rely on communicating pixels, OpenGL commands, scene-graph changes or application-specific data. We propose an intermediate soluti...
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is an MRI-based technique for quantifying water diffusion in living tissue. In the white matter of the brain, water diffuses more rapidly along the ...
Jorik Blaas, Charl P. Botha, Bart Peters, Frans Vo...
We present Build-by-Number, a technique for quickly designing architectural structures that can be rendered photorealistically at interactive rates. We combine image-based capturi...
We introduce Tukey and Tukey scagnostics and develop graphtheoretic methods for implementing their procedure on large datasets. CR Categories: H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Graphical U...
Leland Wilkinson, Anushka Anand, Robert L. Grossma...
We investigate the use of elastic hierarchies for representing trees, where a single graphical depiction uses a hybrid mixture, or “interleaving”, of more basic forms at diffe...
Shengdong Zhao, Michael J. McGuffin, Mark H. Chign...
The paper describes a novel technique to visualize graphs with extended node and link labels. The lengths of these labels range from a short phrase to a full sentence to an entire...
Pak Chung Wong, Patrick Mackey, Ken Perrine, James...
Exploratory visualization environments allow users to build and browse coordinated multiview visualizations interactively. As the number of views and amount of coordination increa...