Abstract. In this paper, we study the two-tiered wireless sensor network (WSN) architecture and propose the optimal cluster association algorithm for it to maximize the overall net...
We propose an unsupervised “local learning” algorithm for learning a metric in the input space. Geometrically, for a given query point, the algorithm finds the minimum volume ...
To solve a problem on a given CNF formula F a splitting algorithm recursively calls for F[v] and F[¬v] for a variable v. Obviously, after the first call an algorithm obtains some...
Abstract. The union-find algorithm can be seen as solving simple equations between variables or constants. With a few lines of code change, we generalise its implementation in CHR...
Coppersmith described at Eurocrypt 96 an algorithm for finding small roots of bivariate integer polynomial equations, based on lattice reduction. A simpler algorithm was later pro...
Abstract. Detecting historical recombination is an important computational problem which has received great attention recently. Due to recombination, input sequences form a mosaic,...
We present a fixpoint-based algorithm for context-sensitive interprocedural kill/gen-analysis of programs with thread creation. Our algorithm is precise up to abstraction of sync...
We give an algorithm for the on-line learning of permutations. The algorithm maintains its uncertainty about the target permutation as a doubly stochastic weight matrix, and makes...
Three-color parity games capture the disjunction of a B¨uchi and a co-B¨uchi condition. The most efficient known algorithm for these games is the progress measures algorithm by ...
Mining High Utility Itemsets from a transaction database is to find itemsests that have utility above a user-specified threshold. This problem is an extension of Frequent Itemset ...