– Modern multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) designs have high bandwidth constraints which must be satisfied by the underlying communication architecture. Bus matrix based com...
Sudeep Pasricha, Nikil D. Dutt, Mohamed Ben-Romdha...
Abstract— An efficient algorithm for three-dimensional (3D) capacitance extraction on multi-layered and lossy substrate is presented. The new algorithm represents a major improv...
- We propose a method of enhancing the reusability of the component IPs by separating communication and computation for a system function. In this approach, we assume that the comp...
The proliferation of OpenAccess is opening promising new research opportunities to academic communities. The benefits of adopting an OpenAccess based approach to EDA research are...
Abstract— The memory subsystem is known to comprise a significant fraction of the power dissipation in embedded systems. The memory addressing strategy, which determines the seq...
Commonly used pattern sources in simulation-based verification include random, guided random, or design verification patterns. Although these patterns may help bring the design ...
Sung-Jui (Song-Ra) Pan, Kwang-Ting Cheng, John Moo...
- This paper presents a DSP core for multi-core media SoC, which is optimized to execute a set of signal processing tasks very efficiently. The fully-programmable core has a data-c...
— A new algorithm is proposed to reduce the number of intermediate registers of a pipelined circuit using a combination of multi-clock cycle paths and clock scheduling. The algor...
In this paper, a new flip-flop called Double-edge triggered Feedback Flip-Flop (DFFF) is proposed. The dynamic power consumption of DFFF is reduced by avoiding unnecessary interna...
S. H. Rasouli, A. Amirabadi, A. Seyedi, Ali Afzali...