Background: Computational methods for problem solving need to interleave information access and algorithm execution in a problem-specific workflow. The structures of these workflo...
Background: Alignments of homologous DNA sequences are crucial for comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis. However, multiple alignment represents a computationally difficu...
Background: BLAST is a widely used genetic research tool for analysis of similarity between nucleotide and protein sequences. This paper presents a software application entitled &...
Background: Comparison of data produced on different microarray platforms often shows surprising discordance. It is not clear whether this discrepancy is caused by noisy data or b...
Scott L. Carter, Aron C. Eklund, Brigham H. Mecham...
Background: A new algorithm for assessing similarity between primer and template has been developed based on the hypothesis that annealing of primer to template is an information ...
Background: Popular methods to reconstruct molecular phylogenies are based on multiple sequence alignments, in which addition or removal of data may change the resulting tree topo...
Olivier Bastien, Philippe Ortet, Sylvaine Roy, Eri...