Hydra is a chip multiprocessor (CMP) with integrated support for thread-level speculation. Thread-level speculation provides a way to parallelize sequential programs without the n...
Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are now commodity hardware, but commoditization of parallel software remains elusive. In the near term, the current trend of increased coreper-socket c...
We have fabricated a Chip Multiprocessor prototype code-named Merlot to proof our novel speculative multithreading architecture. On Merlot, multiple threads provide wider issue wi...
—Associated with the ever growing integration scales is the increase in process variability. In the context of networkon-chip, this variability affects the maximum frequency that...
Until recently, a steadily rising clock rate and other uniprocessor microarchitectural improvements could be relied upon to consistently deliver increasing performance for a wide ...
Guilherme Ottoni, Ram Rangan, Adam Stoler, David I...