Regular expressions are widely used in Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) to represent patterns of network attacks. Since traditional software-only NIDS cannot catch up to ...
The allocation of device variables on I/O registers affects the code size and performance of an I/O device driver. This work seeks the allocation with the minimal software or hard...
In this paper, we propose a new circuit transformation technique in conjunction with the use of a special diagnostic test pattern, named SO-SLAT pattern, to achieve higher multipl...
Using additional store-checkpoinsts (SCPs) and compare-checkpoints (CCPs), we present an adaptive checkpointing for double modular redundancy (DMR) in this paper. The proposed app...
Recent research on performance analysis for embedded systems shows a trend to formal compositional models and methods. These compositional methods can be used to determine the per...
In this paper we present a state dependent analytical leakage power model for FPGAs. The model accounts for subthreshold leakage and gate leakage in FPGAs, since these are the two...
Concurrent programs are difficult to write, reason about, re-use, and maintain. In particular, for system-level ions that use a shared memory abstraction for thread or process syn...