Theoretically well-founded, Support Vector Machines (SVM)are well-knownto be suited for efficiently solving classification problems. Althoughimprovedgeneralization is the maingoal...
Theuse of database technologiesfor implementingCBR techniquesis attractinga lot of attentionforseveralreasons. First, the possibilityof usingstandardDBMSfor storingand representin...
Discrete optimization problemsarise throughout many real world domainsincluding planning, decision making, and search. NP-hardin general, these problems require novel approachesto...
Learningis generally performedin twostages, knowledge acquisition and skill refinement. Developments within machinelearning havetended to concentrate on knowledgeacquisition as op...
David W. Patterson, Sarabjot S. Anand, John G. Hug...
The new wrapper model for extractiong text data from HTML documents is introduced. The Kushmerick's wrapper class (Kusshmerick 2000) may be unsuccessful in the case that suff...
Electronic marketplaces, or e-commerce portals, bring together many online suppliers and buyers. Each individual participant can potentially use his own format to represent the pr...