/Background The SOLAR and HELIOSPHERIC OBSERVATORY (SOHO) project [SOHO Web Page] is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the US National Aeronautics and Space ...
Walt Truszkowski, Nick Netreba, Don Ginn, Sanda Ma...
Imperfectionsin datacanarise frommanysources.Thequality of the datais of primeconcernto anytask that involves dataanalysis.It is crucialthat wehavea goodunderstanding of dataimper...
The World Wide Webprovides new opportunities for collecting information from distributed, multiple, and heterogeneous data sources. Information brokering can bc used to provide co...
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Christoph Schlieder, Ubbo V...
Halpernhas retractedan earlier claimthat Cox'sTheoremis deductivelyunsound,but he has renewedand amplifiedhis objectionsto the reasonablenessof the theoremfor finite domains....
We present our consistency support tool BIS, an extension to the electronic product data management system (EPDMS) used at DaimlerChrysler AG to configure the Mercedes lines of pa...
Thispaperdiscussesa proof-of-conceptprototypefor ground-basedautomaticgenerationof validatedrover commandsequences from high-level science and engineeringactivities.Thisprototypei...
Rob Sherwood, Andrew Mishkin, Tara A. Estlin, Stev...
Therehasbeensurprisinglylittle researchso far that systematicallyinvestigatedthe possibilityof constructinghybrid learningalgorithmsbysimplelocal modificationsto decision tree lea...
Alexander K. Seewald, Johann Petrak, Gerhard Widme...
This paper presents an overviewof the current field of entertainmentrobotics basedon experiencesas spectator during the RoboCup1999and building an experimental entertainment robot...