As the clock frequencies used in industrial applications increase, the timing requirements imposed on routing problems become tighter. So, it becomes important to route the nets w...
This paper proposes a model for calculating statistical gate-delay variation caused by intra-chip and inter-chip variability. As the variation of individual gate delays directly i...
This paper presents an efficient method for verifying hazard freedom in timed asynchronous circuits. Timed circuits are a class of asynchronous circuits that utilize explicit tim...
– Many embedded system designs usually impose (hard) read-time constraints on tasks. Thus, computing a tight upper bound of the worst case execution time (WCET) of a software is ...
This paper presents an efficient method to reduce complexities of a linear network in s-domain. The new method works on circuit matrices directly and reduces the circuit complexi...
Reversible logic has applications in quantum computing, low power CMOS, nanotechnology, optical computing, and DNA computing. The most common reversible gates are the Toffoli gate...
Dmitri Maslov, Gerhard W. Dueck, D. Michael Miller
Ambient Intelligent Systems provide an unexplored hardware platform for executing distributed applications under strict energy constraints. These systems must respond quickly to c...
Diana Marculescu, Nicholas H. Zamora, Phillip Stan...
Both non-determinism and multi-level networks compactly characterize the flexibility allowed in implementing a circuit. A theory for representing and manipulating non-deterministi...