We show interaction possibilities and a graphical user interface for deformable, mobile devices. WIMP (windows, icons, mouse, pointer) interfaces are not practical on mobile devic...
This study examines how the increasing number of new mobile devices that enable rich in situ information capture can be utilized to improve knowledge management practices. An ethn...
This panel will educate the audience on the methods and tools available for conducting international or intercultural usability research. The panel will also address the challenge...
Laurie Roshak, Jared M. Spool, Vanessa Evers, Rolf...
The evaluation of grammar inference systems is clearly a non-trivial task, as it is possible to have more than one correct grammar for a given language. The `looks good to me'...
Linda Roberts, Leigh Rankin, Edward A. Silver, Dar...
Screen space is a limited resource for computer users-multiple monitors are one means of workspace expansion, and "virtual desktops" are yet another way to increase scre...
E-commerce stretches interactions over space and time, and thus requires more trust than traditional shopping. Current approaches to building trust in e-commerce focus on cognitiv...
This paper introduces SmartPad, a new input device for mobile computers that is an enhanced physical keypad by a finger position sensor. This input device acts as a normal keypad ...
In this paper we introduce Super Cilia Skin, a multi-modal interactive membrane. We conceived Super Cilia Skin as a computationally enhanced membrane coupling tactilekinesthetic i...