The described dissertation focuses on social regulation of user behavior within virtual social spaces. A multi-year field study of two fantasy-based game MUDs (multi-user dungeons...
We have used two cameras and a SensAble Technologies "Phantom" force-feedback haptic display to haptically render a three-dimensional surface that represents key aspects...
In video communication systems, gaze is an important topic and is widely being studied. Unlike other studies, displaying user's reflections on the video screen we stopped imi...
In this paper, we present findings and design decisions arisen while designing a review sheet within the confines of a pre-existing digital textbook, AdaptiveBook. Through user st...
In this paper, we describe the identity policy decisions for a community network outside of Boston, Massachusetts. To promote trust and accountability, a member's online iden...
Safe & Sound uses location-aware mobile phones to create a "virtual leash"; a secure zone beyond which a child may not travel. If the child leaves this zone, both ch...
We conducted an empirical study to better understand collaborative information visualization. We found that a system that offered fewer options for visualizations yielded more cor...