The high transistor density afforded by modern VLSI processes have enabled the design of embedded processors that use clustered execution units to deliver high levels of performan...
Computer language paradigms offer linguistic abstractions and proof theories for expressing program implementations. Similarly, system architectures offer the hardware abstractions...
Diomidis Spinellis, Sophia Drossopoulou, Susan Eis...
This paper discusses conditions under which some of the “higher level” mental concepts applicable to human beings might also be applicable to artificial agents. The key idea ...
Which agent architectures are capable of justifying descriptions in terms of the `higher level' mental concepts applicable to human beings? We propose a new kind of architect...
Radix-r modulo rn multipliers and adders are introduced in this paper. The proposed architectures are shown to require several times less area than previously reported architectur...
The rapid progress in high-performance microprocessor design has made it di cult to adapt real-time scheduling results to new models of microprocessor hardware, thus leaving an un...
We present a case study on the design of a heterogeneous architecture for MPEG-2 video decoding. The primary objective of the case study is the validation of the SPADE methodology...
Pieter van der Wolf, Paul Lieverse, Mudit Goel, Da...
This chapter addresses the problem of producing and maintaining progress in agent design. New architectures often hold important insights into the problems of designing intelligenc...
In this paper we present new approaches to high performance protein database scanning on two novel massively parallel architectures to gain supercomputer power at low cost. The ...
In this paper we propose a design space exploration method targeting reconfigurable architectures that takes place at the algorithmic level and aims to rapidly highlight architect...