Industrial implementation of model-based control methods, such as model predictive control, is often complicated by the lack of knowledge about the disturbances entering the syste...
Brian J. Odelson, Murali R. Rajamani, James B. Raw...
This work studies optimal sensor placement and motion coordination strategies for mobile sensor networks. For a target tracking application with range sensors, we investigate the ...
In some of the recently-developed algorithms for convex parametric quadratic programs it is implicitly assumed that the intersection of the closures of two adjacent critical regio...
This work is concerned with numerical methods for controlled regime-switching diffusions, and regime-switching jump diffusions. Numerical procedures based on Markov chain approxim...
A controller change from a current controller which stabilises the plant to a new controller, designed on the basis of an approximate model of the plant and with guaranteed bounds...
A. Lecchini, Alexander Lanzon, Brian D. O. Anderso...
Controlling non-affine non-linear systems is a challenging problem in control theory. In this paper, we consider adaptive neural control of a completely non-affine pure-feedback s...
It is known that many subspace algorithms give biased estimates for closed-loop data due to the existence of feedback. In this paper we present a new subspace identification metho...
A block Toeplitz algorithm is proposed to perform the J-spectral factorization of a para-Hermitian polynomial matrix. The input matrix can be singular or indefinite, and it can ha...
This paper is concerned with outer approximations of the minimal disturbance invariant set (MDIS) of a discrete-time linear system with an additive set-bounded disturbance. The k-...