Background: Microarray has been widely used to measure the relative amounts of every mRNA transcript from the genome in a single scan. Biologists have been accustomed to reading t...
Background: Various statistical scores have been proposed for evaluating the significance of genes that may exhibit differential expression between two or more controlled conditio...
Background: The identification of chromosomal homology will shed light on such mysteries of genome evolution as DNA duplication, rearrangement and loss. Several approaches have be...
Xiyin Wang, Xiaoli Shi, Zhe Li, Qihui Zhu, Lei Kon...
Background: Analysis of genomes evolving via block-interchange events leads to a combinatorial problem of sorting by block-interchanges, which has been studied recently to evaluat...
Background: One-dimensional protein structures such as secondary structures or contact numbers are useful for three-dimensional structure prediction and helpful for intuitive unde...
Background: Percentage Identity (PID) is frequently quoted in discussion of sequence alignments since it appears simple and easy to understand. However, although there are several...
Background: Discovery of precise specificity of transcription factors is an important step on the way to understanding the complex mechanisms of gene regulation in eukaryotes. Rec...
Background: Microarray studies provide a way of linking variations of phenotypes with their genetic causations. Constructing predictive models using high dimensional microarray me...
Background: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a powerful tool to determine gene expression profiles. Two types of SAGE libraries, ShortSAGE and LongSAGE, are classified...
Yi-Ju Li, Puting Xu, Xuejun Qin, Donald E. Schmech...
Background: The learning of global genetic regulatory networks from expression data is a severely under-constrained problem that is aided by reducing the dimensionality of the sea...