In a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) private caches introduce the cache coherence problem. Here, we target at heterogeneous MPSoCs with a network-on-chip (NoC). Existing har...
Frank E. B. Ophelders, Marco Bekooij, Henk Corpora...
This paper investigates a complexity-effective technique for verifying a highly distributed directory-based cache coherence protocol. We develop a novel approach called “witnes...
This paper explores a new technique called coherence decoupling, which breaks a traditional cache coherence protocol into two protocols: a Speculative Cache Lookup (SCL) protocol ...
With the trend towards increasing number of processor cores in future chip architectures, scalable directory-based protocols for maintaining cache coherence will be needed. Howeve...
Current technology trends of increased scale of integration are pushing CMOS technology into the deepsubmicron domain, enabling the creation of chips with a significantly greater...
It is widely accepted that transient failures will appear more frequently in chips designed in the near future due to several factors such as the increased integration scale. On t...
Realizing scalable cache coherence in the many-core era comes with a whole new set of constraints and opportunities. It is widely believed that multi-hop, unordered on-chip networ...
We describe a technique for verifying that a hardware design correctly implements a protocol-level formal specification. Simulation steps are translated to protocol state transiti...