In order to develop technology that promotes social interaction rather than isolation, we are exploring the space between board games and video games. We created a hybrid game tha...
The present study examines the role of subjectively perceived factors of the experience of website usage in forming an intention to use a website. An integrative research model is...
If a video camera recognizes and records affective data from the camera operator, this data can help determine which sequences will be interesting to the camera operator at a late...
Recognition technologies such as speech recognition and optical recognition are still, by themselves. not reliable enough for many practical uses in user interfaces However, by co...
The new forms of interaction being devised for small mobile devices have required designers to re-visit basic principles for user interface design. One of these is the notion of m...
In the future, interactive robots will perform many helpful tasks. In 5 studies, we developed techniques for measuring the richness and content of people's mental models of a...
Visually impaired people constantly interpret moving phenomena in the real world; they do not lack the skills to understand the meaning of what is portrayed in an animation. Howev...