Abstract—This paper summarizes a special session on multicore/multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) programming challenges. The current trend towards MPSoC platforms in most com...
Rainer Leupers, Andras Vajda, Marco Bekooij, Soonh...
— Memories are increasingly dominating Systems on Chip (SoC) designs and thus contribute a large percentage of the total system’s power dissipation, area and reliability. In th...
Amin Khajeh, Aseem Gupta, Nikil Dutt, Fadi J. Kurd...
—In this paper, we propose a scalable and transparent parallelization scheme using threads for multi-core processor. The performance achieved by our scheme is scalable to the num...
In this work, we propose an enhanced design method for filterless class-D audio amplifier based on multilevel architecture. The multilevel technique consists of a multilevel conve...
— Clock-gating and power-gating have proven to be very effective solutions for reducing dynamic and static power, respectively. The two techniques may be coupled in such a way th...
Leticia Maria Veiras Bolzani, Andrea Calimera, Alb...
—Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have appeared as design strategy to overcome the limitations, in terms of scalability, efficiency, and power consumption of current buses. In this paper...
—The richness of wavelet transformation is known in many fields. There exist different classes of wavelet filters that can be used depending on the application. In this paper, ...
—As semiconductor manufacturing enters advanced nanometer design paradigm, aging and device wear-out related degradation is becoming a major concern. Negative Bias Temperature In...
— This paper proposes a novel self-healing methodology for embedded RF Amplifiers (LNAs) in RF sub-systems. The proposed methodology is based on oscillation principles in which t...