— Technology scaling has caused the feature sizes to shrink continuously, whereas interconnects, unlike transistors, have not followed the same trend. Designing 3D stack architec...
- In this paper we introduce Priority Based Forced Requeue to decrease worst-case latencies in NoCs offering best effort services. Forced Requeue is to prematurely lift out low pri...
—Verification is a major issue in circuit and system design. Formal methods like bounded model checking (BMC) can guarantee a high quality of the verification. There are severa...
— H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Codec) is a new video coding standard developed by a joint effort of the ITU-TVCEG and ISO/IEC MPEG. This standard provides higher coding efficiency r...
Hajer K. Zrida, Abderrazek Jemai, Ahmed C. Ammari,...
With the relentless scaling of semiconductor technology, the lifetime reliability of embedded multiprocessor platforms has become one of the major concerns for the industry. If th...
Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. For the recently available high definition frame sizes and hi...
Ozgur Tasdizen, Halil Kukner, Abdulkadir Akin, Ilk...
Abstract—This paper presents a technique to perform arbitrary fixed permutations on streaming data. We describe a parameterized architecture that takes as input n data points st...
—In embedded computing we face a continuously growing algorithm complexity combined with a constantly rising number of applications running on a single system. Multi-core systems...
Bastian Ristau, Torsten Limberg, Oliver Arnold, Ge...