Three-dimensional integrated circuits are a promising approach to address the integration challenges faced by current Systems on Chips (SoCs). Designing an efficient Network on C...
—In this paper we propose a virtualization layer to handle the program execution on reconfigurable computers in order to address one of their biggest problems which is the manage...
— In this paper, we propose a novel, energy aware scheduling algorithm for applications running on DVS-enabled multiprocessor systems, which exploits variation in execution times...
Abstract— This paper discusses the generation of informationrich, arbitrarily-large synthetic data sets which can be used to (a) efficiently learn tests that correlate a set of ...
Haralampos-G. D. Stratigopoulos, Salvador Mir, Yio...
—Dynamic Thermal Management techniques have been widely accepted as a thermal solution for their low cost and simplicity. The techniques have been used to manage the heat dissipa...
- We describe a preprocessing step to fault diagnosis of an observed response obtained from a faulty chip. In this step, a fault model for diagnosing the observed response is selec...
In this paper, a novel diagnosis method is proposed. The proposed technique uses machine learning techniques instead of traditional cause-effect and/or effect-cause analysis. The ...
Intermodulation distortion is one of the key design requirements of Radio Frequency circuits. The standard approach for analyzing distortion using circuit simulators is to mimic m...