With increasing chip interconnect distances, openinterconnect is becoming an important defect. The main challenge with open-interconnects stems from its non-deterministic real-lif...
Jiang Brandon Liu, Andreas G. Veneris, Hiroshi Tak...
1 Scan based transition tests are added to improve the detection of speed failures using scan tests. Empirical data suggests that both data volume and application time, for transi...
Xiao Liu, Michael S. Hsiao, Sreejit Chakravarty, P...
The advantage to “one test at a time” fault diagnosis is its ability to implicate the components of complicated defect behaviors. The disadvantage is the large size and opacit...
ct Characterizing board test coverage as a percentage of devices or nodes having tests does not accurately portray coverage, especially in a limited access testing environment that...
Efficient production testing is frequently hampered because current digital circuits require test sets which are too large. These test sets can be reduced significantly by means...
M. J. Geuzebroek, J. Th. van der Linden, A. J. van...