13 years 12 days ago
2011 Springer
Fusion is arguably the simplest way to combine modal logics. For normal modal logics with Kripke semantics, many properties such as completeness and decidability are known to trans...
13 years 12 days ago
2011 Springer
Abstract. We investigate the phenomenon that every monad is a linear state monad. We do this by studying a fully-complete state-passing translation from an impure call-by-value lan...
13 years 12 days ago
2011 Springer
Abstract. We propose a probabilistic interpretation of a class of reversible communicating processes. The rate of forward and backward computing steps, instead of being given expli...
13 years 12 days ago
2011 Springer
This paper extends the fibrational approach to induction and coinduction pioneered by Hermida and Jacobs, and developed by the current authors, in two key directions. First, we pr...
13 years 12 days ago
2011 Springer
Abstract. The free algebra adjunction, between the category of algebras of a monad and the underlying category, induces a comonad on the category of algebras. The coalgebras of thi...