It is widely accepted that the disproportionate scaling of transistor and conventional on-chip interconnect performance presents a major barrier to future high performance systems...
Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is a technology aimed at improving the throughput of the processor core by applying Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) and Thread Level Parallel...
Process variations in integrated circuits have significant impact on their performance, leakage and stability. This is particularly evident in large, regular and dense structures...
Clustering is a common technique to overcome the wire delay problem incurred by the evolution of technology. Fully-distributed architectures, where the register file, the functio...
Extreme technology integration in the sub-micron regime comes with a rapid rise in heat dissipation and power density for modern processors. Dynamic voltage scaling is a widely us...
Amin Ansari, Shuguang Feng, Shantanu Gupta, Scott ...