A deterministic BIST scheme for circuits with multiple scan paths is presented. A procedure is described for synthesizing a pattern generator which stimulates all scan chains simu...
An efficient deterministic BIST scheme based on partial scan chains together with a scan selection algorithm tailored for BIST is presented. The algorithm determines a minimum num...
This paper presents a BIST technique that allows the synchronization of multiple scan chains clocked at different frequencies. The technique is used to improve performance testing...
Benoit Nadeau-Dostie, Dwayne Burek, Abu S. M. Hass...
Diagnosing failing vectors in a Built-In Self Test (BIST) environment is a difficult task because of the highly compressed signature coming out of the Multiple Input Shift Regist...
Reseeding is used to improve fault coverage of pseudorandom testing. The seed corresponds to the initial state of the LFSR before filling the scan chain. The number of determinist...
Ahmad A. Al-Yamani, Subhasish Mitra, Edward J. McC...