Modern embedded microprocessors use low power on-chip memories called scratch-pad memories to store frequently executed instructions and data. Unlike traditional caches, scratch-p...
Rajiv A. Ravindran, Pracheeti D. Nagarkar, Ganesh ...
The issue logic of a superscalar processor dissipates a large amount of static and dynamic power. Furthermore, its power density makes it a hot-spot requiring expensive cooling sy...
Power consumption has become one of the biggest challenges in high-performance microprocessor design. The rapid increase in the complexity and speed of each new CPU generation is ...
Vivek Tiwari, Deo Singh, Suresh Rajgopal, Gaurav M...
As CMOS scales beyond the 45nm technology node, leakage concerns are starting to limit microprocessor performance growth. To keep dynamic power constant across process generations...
This paper presents a new methodology for system-level power and performance analysis of wireless multimedia systems. More precisely, we introduce an analytical approach based on ...
Radu Marculescu, Amit Nandi, Luciano Lavagno, Albe...