—In this paper we propose a UML/MDA approach, called MoPCoM methodology, to design high quality real-time embedded systems. We have defined a set of rules to build UML models fo...
Jorgiano Vidal, Florent de Lamotte, Guy Gogniat, P...
– In this paper, we present an open architecture Virtual Test Environment (VTE) which can be easily integrated into various modularized Automatic Test Systems (ATS) compliant to ...
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are capable of performing complex discrete signal processing algorithms with clock rates above 100MHz. This combined with FPGA’s lo...
Michael Haselman, Robert Miyaoka, Thomas K. Lewell...
Modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) can be programmed with multiple soft-core processors. These solutions can be used for MultiProcessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) prototyp...
Antonino Tumeo, Christian Pilato, Gianluca Palermo...
In recent years, the maximum logic capacity of each successive FPGA family has been increasing by more than 50%, which motivates scalable solutions. Meanwhile, academic research i...
Stephen Jang, Dennis Wu, Mark Jarvin, Billy Chan, ...
Reconfigurable high-performance computing systems (RHPC) have been attracting more and more attention over the past few years. RHPC systems are a promising solution for accelerati...
Many natural processes exhibit exponential decay and, consequently, computational scientists make extensive use of e−x in computer simulation experiments. While it is common to ...
We describe an optimization method for combinational and sequential logic networks, with emphasis on scalability and the scope of optimization. The proposed resynthesis (a) is cap...
Alan Mishchenko, Robert K. Brayton, Jie-Hong Rolan...
This paper presents a hardware architecture for face detection based system on AdaBoost algorithm using Haar features. We describe the hardware design techniques including image s...
Junguk Cho, Shahnam Mirzaei, Jason Oberg, Ryan Kas...