Future microprocessors will be highly susceptible to transient errors as the sizes of transistors decrease due to CMOS scaling. Prior techniques advocated full scale structural or...
In this paper we present an approach to the scheduling and voltage scaling of low-power fault-tolerant hard real-time applications mapped on distributed heterogeneous embedded sys...
This work addresses the issue of design optimization for faulttolerant hard real-time systems. In particular, our focus is on the handling of transient faults using both checkpoin...
Petru Eles, Viacheslav Izosimov, Paul Pop, Zebo Pe...
This paper proposes a new link for asynchronous NoC communications that is resilient to transient faults on the wires of the link without impact on the data transfer capability. R...
Simon Ogg, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, Alexandre Yakovle...
With technology scaling, the occurrence rate of not only single, but also multiple transients resulting from a single hit is increasing. In this work, we consider the effect of th...
– Due to reduction in device feature size and supply voltage, the sensitivity of digital systems to transient faults is increasing dramatically. As technology scales further, the...
Transient faults are single-shot hardware errors caused by high energy particles from space, manufacturing defects, overheating, and other sources. Such faults can be devastating f...
A transient hardware fault occurs when an energetic particle strikes a transistor, causing it to change state. These faults do not cause permanent damage, but may result in incorr...
David Walker, Lester W. Mackey, Jay Ligatti, Georg...