Artificial Intelligence | | |
Management | | Actes des quatri?mes journ?es francophones Mobilit? et Ubiquit, ACM |
Applied Computing | | Unconventional Computation, Springer |
Applied Computing | | Ubiquitious Computing Systems, Springer |
Information Technology | | International Workshop on Ubiquitous Data Management, IEEE |
Security Privacy | | International Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Springer |
Applied Computing | | Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Springer |
Software Engineering | | Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM |
Automated Reasoning | | United Kingdom Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, |
Hardware | | |
Programming Languages | | International Conference on User Modeling, Springer |
Applied Computing | | International Conference on Unconventional Methods of Computation, |
Natural Language Processing | | International Workshop/Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, Springer |
Artificial Intelligence | | Unconventional Programming Paradigms, Springer |
Software Engineering | | Symposium of the Austrian HCI and Usability Engineering Group, |
Operating System | | |
Operating System | | |
Distributed And Parallel Computing | | Universal Service Market, |
Operating System | | |
Programming Languages | | Unifying Theories of Programming, |