
13 years 8 months ago
Automatic Construction of Knowledge Base from Biological Papers
Yoshihiro Ohta, Yasunori Yamamoto, Tomoko Okazaki,...
13 years 8 months ago
Prediction of Enzyme Classification from Protein Sequence without the Use of Sequence Similarity
1 W’edescribe a novel approach for predicting the function of a protein from its amino-acid sequence. Given features that can be computedfrom the amino-acid sequence in a straigh...
Marie desJardins, Peter D. Karp, Markus Krummenack...
13 years 8 months ago
Identifying Chimerism in Proteins Using Hidden Markov Models of Codon Usage
Protein chimerism is a phenomenon involving the combination of multiple ancestral sequences into a single, multi-domain protein through evolution. We propose a novel method for de...
Lawrence Hunter, Barry Zeeberg
13 years 8 months ago
RIFLE: Rapid Identification of Microorganisms by Fragment Length Evaluation
Biological macromoleculesrepresent a valuable source of informationfor the identification and phylogenetic classification of microorganisms.Oneof the mostcommonlyused macromolecul...
Henning Hermjakob, Robert Giegerich, Walter Arnold
13 years 8 months ago
Protein Folding Class Predictor for SCOP: Approach Based on Global Descriptors
This workdemonstrates newtechniques developed for the prediction of protein folding class in the context of the most comprehensiveStructural Classification of Proteins (SCOP). The...
Inna Dubchak, Ilya B. Muchnik, Sung-Hou Kim
13 years 8 months ago
RIBOWEB: Linking Structural Computations to a Knowledge Base of Published Experimental Data
The world wide web(WWW)has becomecritical for storing and disseminatingbiological data. It offers an additional opportunity, however,to support distributed computation and sharing...
Richard O. Chen, Ramon M. Felciano, Russ B. Altman