Optimizing the performance of a multi-core microprocessor within a power budget has recently received a lot of attention. However, most existing solutions are centralized and cann...
Since 2005, processor designers have increased core counts to exploit Moore’s Law scaling, rather than focusing on single-core performance. The failure of Dennard scaling, to wh...
Emerging memory technologies such as STT-RAM, PCRAM, and resistive RAM are being explored as potential replacements to existing on-chip caches or main memories for future multi-co...
Asit K. Mishra, Xiangyu Dong, Guangyu Sun, Yuan Xi...
Performance-asymmetric multi-cores consist of heterogeneous cores, which support the same ISA, but have different computing capabilities. To maximize the throughput of asymmetric...
Youngjin Kwon, Changdae Kim, Seungryoul Maeng, Jae...
Network-on-chip (NoC) has become a critical shared resource in the emerging Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) era. Most prior NoC designs have used the same type of router across the enti...
Asit K. Mishra, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Chita R. ...
As the number of cores on a single-chip grows, scalable barrier synchronization becomes increasingly difficult to implement. In software implementations, such as the tournament ba...
As we move to large manycores, the hardware-based global checkpointing schemes that have been proposed for small shared-memory machines do not scale. Scalability barriers include ...
Inclusive last-level caches (LLCs) waste precious silicon estate due to cross-level replication of cache blocks. As the industry moves toward cache hierarchies with larger inner l...
In recent years, the increasing number of processor cores and limited increases in main memory bandwidth have led to the problem of the bandwidth wall, where memory bandwidth is b...
Guangyu Sun, Christopher J. Hughes, Changkyu Kim, ...
Queues are commonly used in multithreaded programs for synchronization and communication. However, because software queues tend to be too expensive to support finegrained paralle...
Sanghoon Lee, Devesh Tiwari, Yan Solihin, James Tu...