—This paper describes a waveform compression technique suitable for the efficient utilization, storage and interchange of the emerging current source model (CSM) based cell libra...
Safar Hatami, Peter Feldmann, Soroush Abbaspour, M...
– The quest for technologies with superior device characteristics has showcased Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNFETs) into limelight. Among the several design aspects...
Shashikanth Bobba, Jie Zhang, Antonio Pullini, Dav...
Abstract—While prior research has extensively evaluated the performance advantage of moving from a 2D to a 3D design style, the impact of process parameter variations on 3D desig...
: Common sub-expression elimination (CSE) serves as a useful optimization technique in the synthesis of arithmetic datapaths described at RTL. However, CSE has a limited potential ...
—Energy efficient communication is a key issue in wireless sensor networks. Common belief is that a multi-hop configuration is the only viable energy efficient technique. In t...
Daniel Schmidt 0001, Matthias Berning, Norbert Weh...
— Several European research projects in the vehicular area address the enhancement of vehicular safety. In the frame of the Caring Cars project, an on-board car-gateway embedded ...
—The synchronous model of computation together with a suitable execution platform facilitates system-level timing predictability. This paper introduces an algebraic framework for...
Michael Mendler, Reinhard von Hanxleden, Claus Tra...
— Decoupling capacitors (decaps) are typically used to reduce the noise in the power supply network. Because the delay of gates and interconnects is affected by the supply voltag...
Abstract—Supply voltage fluctuations that result from inductive noise are increasingly troublesome in modern microprocessors. A voltage “emergency”, i.e., a swing beyond tol...
Meeta Sharma Gupta, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Glenn H. H...
Abstract—We propose (σ, ρ)-based flow regulation as a design instrument for System-on-Chip (SoC) architects to control quality-of-service and achieve cost-effective communicat...
Zhonghai Lu, Mikael Millberg, Axel Jantsch, Alista...