Crosstalk has become a major issue in VLSI design due to the high frequency, long interconnecting lines and small spacing between interconnects in today's integrated circuits...
As chip size and design density increase, coupling effects (crosstalk) between signal wires become increasingly critical to on–chip timing and even functionality. A method is pr...
- Route Embedding, a new method for mitigating the impact of crosstalk, is presented. It modifies a set of global-route structures to prevent timing and noise-margin violations ca...
We study the variation of the crosstalk in a net and its neighbors when one of its trunks is perturbed, showing that the trunk’s perturbation range can be efficiently divided i...
In this paper we consider transistor sizing to reduce crosstalk. First, crosstalk noise dependency on wire width, wire spacing, driver and receiver sizes are discussed, and valida...
As integrated circuits are migrated to more advanced technologies, it has become clear that crosstalk is an important physical phenomenon that must be taken into account. Crosstal...
A technique to derive test vectors that exercise the worstcase delay effects in a domino circuit in the presence of crosstalk is described. A model for characterizing the delay of...
Abstract. Crosstalk causes logical errors due to data dependent delay degradation as well as energy consumption and is considered the biggest signal integrity challenge for long on...
— In ultra-deep submicron technology, crosstalk noise is so severe that crosstalk avoidance merely in detailed routing is not adequate and it has to be considered in earlier desi...
We perform a detailed study of various crosstalk scenarios in VDSM technologies by using a distributed model of the crosstalk site and make a number of key observations about the ...