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On-chip caches represent a sizeable fraction of the total power consumption of microprocessors. Although large caches can significantly improve performance, they have the potentia...
— Next generation multimedia mobile phones that use the high bandwidth 3G cellular radio network consume more power. Multimedia algorithms such as speech, video transcodecs have ...
Java applications rely on Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers or adaptive compilers to generate and optimize binary code at runtime to boost performance. In conventional Java Virtual Mac...
Most current single-chip processors employ an on-chip instruction cache to improve performance. A miss in this insk-uction cache will cause an external memory reference which must...
As the issue widthof superscalar processors is increased, instructionfetch bandwidthrequirements will also increase. It will become necessary to fetch multiple basic blocks per cy...
We developed a new hierarchical modular approach for synthesis of area-minimal core-based data-intensive systems. The optimization approach employs a novel global least-constraini...
Instruction supply is a crucial component of processor performance. Instruction prefetching has been proposed as a mechanism to help reduce instruction cache misses, which in turn...
In this paper, we propose a technique that uses an additional mini cache, the L0-Cache, located between the instruction cache I-Cache and the CPU core. This mechanism can provid...
Nikolaos Bellas, Ibrahim N. Hajj, Constantine D. P...
Instruction cache aware compilation seeks to lay out a program in memory in such a way that cache conflicts between procedures are minimized. It does this through profile-driven...