Natural Language Processing | UML | International Workshop/Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, Springer |
| EXTREME | Extreme Markup Languages, ACM |
| EACL | European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL Anthology |
| IR | Textverarbeitung und Informatik, |
| ICGI | International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Springer |
| NLDB | International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases/Information Systems, Springer |
| CICLING | International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Springer |
| INLG | International Conference on Natural Language Generation, Springer |
| IJCNLP | International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Springer |
| FSMNLP | Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, Springer |
| FWS | |
| ISF | |
| ISEM | |
| MODELS | Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Springer |
| TBILLC | Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Springer |
| KONVENS | Verarbeitung nat?rlicher Sprache, |
| WONTO | |
| RANLP | |
| ISCI | |
| EWNLG | European Workshop on Trends in Natural Language Generation, |
| SOSL | International Workshop on Semantics of Specification Languages, |
| EMNLP | |
| OWLED | |
| IALP | International Conference on Asian Language Processing, |
| FDL | Forum on specification and Design Languages, IEEE |
| CSLP | International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing, Springer |
| NLPRS | Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Springer |
| MUC | Message Understanding Conference, |
| EAIA | Advanced School in Artificial Intelligence, |
| NLP | International Conference on Natural Language Processing, |
| NLUCS | |
| GLDV | |
| CNL | |
| ACLLAW | |
| ICCPOL | International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Springer |
| FOAL | Workshop on Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages, ACM |
| LTCONF | Language and Technology Conference, Springer |
| TAL | International Conference on Advances in Natural Language Processing, Springer |
| LNCS | Text Understanding in LILOG, |
| NLG | International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, |
| FINTAL | International Conference on Natural Language Processing (in Finland), |
Neural Networks | ISNN | International Symposium on Neural Networks, Springer |
| ICANN | International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Springer |
| ESOA | Engineering Self-Organising Applications, |
| IWANN | International Workshop/Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, Springer |
| ANNES | New Zealand Conference Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, |
| NC | |
| SBRN | Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, IEEE |
| ANN | Artificial Neural Networks: An Introduction to ANN Theory and Practice, |
| ESANN | |
| ANNPR | Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, Springer |
| IJCNN | IEEE - INNS - ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE |
| NN | International Summer School on Neural Networks, Springer |
| TAINN | Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Springer |
| EURASIP | European Association for Signal Processing Workshop, |
| NCI | |
| OL | |
| ANNS | |
| OIR | |
Numerical Methods | NMA | International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications, |