Operating System | OSDI | USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, ACM |
| SOSP | ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, ACM |
| HOTOS | Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, IEEE |
| SRDS | IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, IEEE |
| ICONS | Second International Conference on Systems, IEEE |
| DFG | International Workshop on Experiences with Distributed Systems, Springer |
| LISA | |
| FCSC | |
| DSER | Cooperative Environments for Distributed Systems Engineering, Springer |
| FAST | |
| USITS | |
| ISDA | International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, IEEE |
| PDOS | Process in Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Systems Management, |
| USS | |
| BSDCON | |
| MKERN | |
| IISWC | IEEE Workload Characterization Symposium, IEEE |
| MOBILWARE | International Conference on Mobile Wireless Middleware, ACM |
| SIGOPSE | SIGOPS European Workshop, ACM |
| USENIX | |
| MACH | |
Operations Research | CPAIOR | Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Springer |
| OR | International Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Springer |
| PAMI | |
| PCS | |
Optimization | EMO | International Conference on Multi-Criterion Optimization, Springer |
| EUROGP | European Workshop on Genetic Programming, Springer |
| GECCO | Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Springer |
| PE | Performance Engineering, Springer |
| HM | Hybrid Metaheuristics, Springer |
| LION | Learning and Intelligence Optimization, Springer |
| COCOS | International Workshop Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, Springer |
| IFIP7 | Conference on Optimization Techniques, Springer |
| ICGA | |
| ATMOS | |
| ICQT | Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, |
| SAB | Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Springer |
| AUSSOIS | Combinatorial Optimization, Springer |
| SWARM | International Conference on Advances in Swarm Intelligence, SPRINGER |
| IPCO | International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, |