ECommerce | EC | Electronic Commerce, |
| ACMICEC | International Conference on Electronic Commerce, ACM |
| WMC | Workshop on Membrane Computing, |
| ECWEB | International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, Springer |
| AGENTLINK | Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce, Springer |
| ISEC | International Symposium on Electronic Commerce, Springer |
| TAMOCO | |
| ECAGENTS | E-Commerce Agents, Springer |
| SIGECOM | Electronic Commerce, ACM |
| WECWIS | International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems, IEEE |
| WELCOM | International Workshop on Electronic Commerce, Springer |
Economy | WINE | Workshop Internet and Network Economics, Springer |
| ETM | Economic Tra c Management, |
Education | JCDL | Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, ACM |
| SIGCSE | Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM |
| PATAT | International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Springer |
| CORR | Workshop on Service Oriented Computing, Springer |
| ICADL | International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, Springer |
| ISSEP | Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives, Springer |
| DGO | |
| LREC | |
| IFIP3 | |
| WALTD | |
| CATE | |
| CR | |
| NDQA | |
| SPDECE | |
| CPC | |
| DKE | |
| TFS | |
| TIS | |
| TITS | |
| TJS | |
| ERCIMDL | European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Springer |
| LANC | International Latin American Networking Conference, ACM |
| CASCON | |
| ICCE | International Conference on Computers in Education, |
| ACE | International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering, |
| LEGE | |
| TNC | |
| ICHL | Hybrid Learning and Education, |
| DISOPT | |
| TELSYS | |
| TII | |
| TIM | |
| TITB | |
| TIP | |
| IWRIDL | International Workshop on Research Issues in Digital Libraries, ACM |
| FECS | |
| STAIRS | |
| JVM | |
| WCCE | |
| CSEDU | |
| ETT | International Conference on Education Technology and Training, |
| TEDU | |
| DPD | |
| TELE | |
| TIFS | |
| TIT | |
| LANOMS | Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE |
| DM | |
| TGIS | |
| TIST | |
| TKDD | |
| SOCC | International SoC Conference, IEEE |
| TAICPART | Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques, IEEE |
| DESRIST | International Conference on Global Perspectives on Design Science Research, Springer |
Electrical And Computer Engineering | CCECE | Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE |
| WCE | |
Electronic Publishing | EP | International Conference on Evolutionary Programming, Springer |
| ODRL | |
Embedded Systems | RTAS | IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, IEEE |
| ECRTS | Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, IEEE |
| WORDS | IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems, IEEE |
| RTCSA | Real-Time and Embedded Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE |
| SIES | International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, IEEE |
| MONTEREY | Composition of Embedded Systems. Scientific and Industrial Issues, Springer |
| SEUS | Software Technolgies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, IEEE |
| SAMOS | Systems, Springer |
| JTRES | International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems, ACM |
| WSTFEUS | IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, IEEE |
| PEARL | Workshop ?ber Realzeitsysteme, |
| WISES | |
| NESEA | |
| MBEES | |
| EEF | European Educational Forum, |
Emerging Technology | ISADS | International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, IEEE |
| ASSETS | ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ACM |
| WETICE | IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies, IEEE |
| ISAMI | |
| CANDIE | |
| ETFA | International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, IEEE |
| CANDT | International Conference on Communities and Technologies, |
| CVHI | |
| ICAD | |
| DSP | |
| WOTE | |
| DSS | |
| NTMS | NTMS 2009, IEEE |
| HVEI | |
| PSATS | |
| ICETET | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, IEEE |
| PERSUASIVE | Persuasive Technology, Springer |
| IWSDS | International Workshop Spoken Dialogue Systems, |
| INTENV | |
| ICWET | |
| MCETECH | International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies, Springer |
| CANDC | Creativity & Cognition, ACM |
| PETRA | International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, ACM |