id | subject | acronym | title |
1 | Communications | SIGCOMM | Communications architectures & protocols, ACM |
2 | Communications | MOBICOM | International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM |
3 | Computer Graphics | SIGGRAPH | International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM |
4 | Database | SIGMOD | International Conference on Management of Data, ACM |
5 | Programming Languages | POPL | Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM |
6 | Database | PODS | Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, ACM |
7 | Database | VLDB | International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, ACM |
8 | Programming Languages | ASPLOS | Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ACM |
9 | Programming Languages | PLDI | Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, ACM |
10 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | HPCA | High Performance Computing and Applications, IEEE |
11 | Database | ICDE | International Conference on Data Engineering, IEEE |
12 | Computer Networks | NDSS | Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, IEEE |
13 | Communications | INFOCOM | Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE |
14 | Security Privacy | CSFW | IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, IEEE |
15 | Cryptology | CRYPTO | Advances in Cryptology, Springer |
16 | Software Engineering | ISSTA | International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ACM |
17 | Security Privacy | OOPSLA | Security for Object-Oriented Systems, Springer |
18 | Data Mining | KDD | International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM |
19 | Hardware | CAV | International Workshop on Computer Aided Verification, Springer |
20 | Human Computer Interaction | ISWC | International Semantic Web Conference, IEEE |
21 | Information Technology | SIGIR | International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM |
22 | Algorithms | STOC | Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, ACM |
23 | Programming Languages | ECOOP | European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Springer |
24 | Programming Languages | ESOP | European Symposium on Programming, Springer |
25 | Theoretical Computer Science | FOCS | Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE |
26 | Computer Vision | CVPR | IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE |
27 | Hardware | ISCA | International Symposium on Computer Architecture, IEEE |
28 | Computer Vision | ICCV | IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, IEEE |
29 | Hardware | MICRO | International Symposium on Microarchitecture, IEEE |
30 | Artificial Intelligence | AI | Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
31 | Hardware | SIGMETRICS | Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Measurement and Evaluation, ACM |
32 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | PODC | Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM |
33 | Machine Learning | COLT | Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory, Springer |
34 | Machine Learning | ICML | Workshop on Statistical Network Analysis, IEEE |
35 | Computer Vision | ECCV | European Conference on Computer Vision, Springer |
36 | Computer Architecture | DAC | Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference, ACM |
37 | Cryptology | PKC | International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, Springer |
38 | Software Engineering | UIST | Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM |
39 | Automated Reasoning | LICS | Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, IEEE |
40 | Computer Networks | ICNP | IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, IEEE |
41 | Computational Biology | RECOMB | Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Springer |
42 | Cryptology | EUROCRYPT | Int. Workshop/Conference on Theory and Application of, Springer |
43 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | SPAA | ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, ACM |
44 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ICDCS | International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE |
45 | Formal Methods | SAS | International Static Analysis Symposium, Springer |
46 | Programming Languages | ICFP | International Conference on Functional Programming, ACM |
47 | Algorithms | TACAS | Int. Workshop/Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Springer |
48 | Logical Reasoning | CADE | Automated Deduction, Springer |
49 | Database | EDBT | International Conference on Extending Database Technology, ACM |
50 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | CONCUR | Seminar on Concurrency, Springer |
51 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | HPDC | High Performance Distributed Computing, IEEE |
52 | Visualization | VISUALIZATION | IEEE Visualization, IEEE |
53 | Control Systems | RTSS | IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium, IEEE |
54 | Social Sciences | CSCW | Computer Supported Cooperative Work, ACM |
55 | Security Privacy | ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Springer |
56 | Computer Graphics | RT | Rich Transcription Workshop, Springer |
57 | Software Engineering | ICSE | International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE-ACM |
58 | Cryptology | ASIACRYPT | International Conference on Cryptology, Springer |
59 | Software Engineering | FOSSACS | International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structure, Springer |
60 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | JSSPP | Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Springer |
61 | Automated Reasoning | KR | International Conference on Principles and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Springer |
62 | Hardware | ISPD | International Symposium on Physical Design, ACM |
63 | Software Engineering | IUI | International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, ACM |
64 | Embedded Systems | RTAS | IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, IEEE |
65 | Human Computer Interaction | CHI | Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM |
66 | Multimedia | MM | International Multimedia Conference, ACM |
67 | Cryptology | FC | International Conference on Financial Cryptography, Springer |
68 | Software Engineering | PEPM | ACM/SIGPLAN Workshop Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation, ACM |
69 | Information Technology | CIKM | Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Springer |
70 | Information Technology | COOPIS | IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, IEEE |
71 | Software Engineering | FSTTCS | Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Springer |
72 | Formal Methods | FMCAD | International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, Springer |
73 | Programming Languages | ICALP | International Colloquium on Automata, Springer |
74 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ICS | International Conference on Supercomputing, Tsinghua U. |
75 | Automated Reasoning | ICLP | International Conference on Logic Programming, Springer |
76 | Biometrics | FGR | International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, IEEE |
77 | Information Technology | IH | International Workshop on Information Hiding, Springer |
78 | Intelligent Agents | ATAL | Intelligent Agents II, Springer |
79 | System Software | CC | Critical Computing, Springer |
80 | Hardware | ICCAD | International Conference on Computer Aided Design, IEEE |
81 | Theoretical Computer Science | GI | GI (German Informatics Society) Annual Conference, Springer |
82 | Theoretical Computer Science | RANDOM | International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, Springer |
83 | Database | SSDBM | International Conference on Statistical and Scientific Database Management, IEEE |
84 | Theoretical Computer Science | STACS | Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Springer |
85 | Machine Learning | ECML | European Working Session on Learning, Springer |
86 | Theoretical Computer Science | RTA | International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Springer |
87 | Security Privacy | ACSAC | Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, IEEE |
88 | Automated Reasoning | ILP | International Workshop/Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Springer |
89 | Combinatorics | CPM | Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Springer |
90 | Operating System | SRDS | IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, IEEE |
91 | VLSI | FCCM | Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, IEEE |
92 | Theoretical Computer Science | MFCS | International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer, Springer |
93 | Internet Technology | WIDM | Workshop On Web Information And Data Management, ACM |
94 | Virtual Reality | VRST | Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM |
95 | Hardware | DATE | Design, IEEE |
96 | Hardware | CPE | Computer Performance Evaluation, Springer |
97 | Data Mining | PKDD | European Symposium/Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer |
98 | Multimedia | MIS | International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, Springer |
99 | Software Engineering | WCRE | Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, IEEE |
100 | Software Engineering | AMAST | International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, Springer |
101 | Artificial Intelligence | JELIA | European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
102 | Automated Reasoning | CSL | Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Springer |
103 | Software Engineering | ICSM | IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, IEEE |
104 | Cryptology | FSE | International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption, Springer |
105 | Medical Imaging | MICCAI | International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Springer |
106 | Security Privacy | ACISP | Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, Springer |
107 | Algorithms | ESA | European Symposium on Algorithms, Springer |
108 | Natural Language Processing | UML | International Workshop/Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, Springer |
109 | Software Engineering | FASE | Internationsl Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Springer |
110 | Software Engineering | PASTE | Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, ACM |
111 | Information Technology | CAISE | Advances Information System Engineering, Springer |
112 | FPGA | FPGA | International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, ACM |
113 | Software Engineering | IWPC | International Workshop on Program Comprehension, IEEE |
114 | Artificial Intelligence | CP | Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Springer |
115 | Automated Reasoning | FLOPS | Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Springer |
116 | Intelligent Agents | CIA | International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, Springer |
117 | Database | IDEAS | International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, IEEE |
118 | Visualization | INFOVIS | IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, IEEE |
119 | Multimedia | WOWMOM | International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia, ACM |
120 | Machine Learning | ALT | Algorithmic Learning Theory, Springer |
121 | Database | ER | International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - The Entity-Relationship Approach, Springer |
122 | Hardware | ISSS | International Symposium on Software Security, IEEE |
123 | Information Technology | LATIN | Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, Springer |
124 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | NSPW | New Security Paradigms Workshop, ACM |
125 | Theoretical Computer Science | ITICSE | Annual Joint Conference Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, ACM |
126 | Mathematics | ISSAC | International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (formerly EUROSAM, Springer |
127 | Formal Methods | ZUM | International Conference of Z Users, Springer |
128 | Hardware | ITC | International Teletra c Congress, IEEE |
129 | Computer Graphics | CG | International Conference on Computers and Games, Springer |
130 | Formal Methods | IFL | International Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages, Springer |
131 | Algorithms | ISAAC | International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Springer |
132 | Document Analysis | DAS | IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Springer |
133 | Embedded Systems | ECRTS | Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, IEEE |
134 | Artificial Intelligence | ECAI | Truth Maintenance Systems, Springer |
135 | Applied Computing | SAC | International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, ACM |
136 | Hardware | ACSD | International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, IEEE |
137 | Hardware | ASYNC | International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, IEEE |
138 | Computer Graphics | GD | Graph Drawing, Springer |
139 | Algorithms | APPROX | International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for, Springer |
140 | Algorithms | SWAT | Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Springer |
141 | Image Processing | ICIP | International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE |
142 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | PPSN | International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Springer |
143 | Programming Languages | ICCL | International Conference on Computer Languages, IEEE |
144 | Computer Graphics | CGI | Computer Graphics International, IEEE |
145 | Database | FQAS | International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, Springer |
146 | Multimedia | ITS | International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer |
147 | Data Mining | PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM |
148 | Formal Methods | TYPES | International Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs, Springer |
149 | Artificial Intelligence | TABLEAUX | International Workshop/Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, Springer |
150 | Programming Languages | SIGADA | Annual International Conference on Ada, Springer |
151 | Theoretical Computer Science | WG | International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer |
152 | Hardware | CARDIS | Smart Card Research and Advanced Application, Springer |
153 | Software Engineering | ASWEC | Australian Software Engineering Conference, IEEE |
154 | Document Analysis | SIGDOC | ACM Special Interest Group for Design of Communication, ACM |
155 | Software Engineering | AC | Agent Communication, Springer |
156 | Software Engineering | WOSP | International Workshop on Software and Performance, ACM |
157 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ICPP | International Conference on Parallel Processing, IEEE |
158 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ISORC | IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, IEEE |
159 | Computer Graphics | DCC | Data Compression Conference, IEEE |
160 | Information Technology | SPIRE | International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Springer |
161 | Combinatorics | COCOON | International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, Springer |
162 | Software Engineering | EWSPT | European Workshop on Software Process Technology, Springer |
163 | Communications | ICCCN | International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, IEEE |
164 | Document Analysis | RIDE | International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering, IEEE |
165 | Software Engineering | METRICS | IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics, IEEE |
166 | Education | SIGCSE | Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM |
167 | Emerging Technology | ASSETS | ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ACM |
168 | Hardware | VTS | IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, IEEE |
169 | System Software | LCPC | International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Springer |
170 | Modeling And Simulation | PADS | Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, ACM |
171 | Automated Reasoning | TIME | International Syposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, IEEE |
172 | Optimization | EUROGP | European Workshop on Genetic Programming, Springer |
173 | Software Engineering | CSMR | European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, IEEE |
174 | Artificial Intelligence | AISC | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, Springer |
175 | Hardware | ICES | International Conference on Evolvable Systems, Springer |
176 | Algorithms | ASIAN | Algorithms, Springer |
177 | Database | WEBDB | International Workshop on the World Wide Web and Databases, Springer |
178 | Human Computer Interaction | DSVIS | Design, Springer |
179 | Hardware | ASPDAC | Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ACM |
180 | Hardware | ISLPED | International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, ACM |
181 | Information Technology | AMTA | Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Springer |
182 | Mathematics | MPC | International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, Springer |
183 | Artificial Intelligence | AGP | Italian Conference on Logic Programming, IEEE |
184 | Hardware | FPL | International Workshop/Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Springer |
185 | Software Engineering | ICFEM | International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, Springer |
186 | Emerging Technology | WETICE | IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies, IEEE |
187 | Electronic Publishing | EP | International Conference on Evolutionary Programming, Springer |
188 | Control Systems | HASE | IEEE International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering, IEEE |
189 | Applied Computing | ICCS | International Conference on Computational Science, Springer |
190 | Algorithms | COCO | Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, Springer |
191 | Information Technology | DOLAP | Data Warehousing and OLAP, ACM |
192 | Software Engineering | WADT | International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques, Springer |
193 | Natural Language Processing | ICGI | International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Springer |
194 | Hardware | ATS | Asian Test Symposium, IEEE |
195 | Biometrics | HICSS | Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE |
196 | Pattern Recognition | SSPR | International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Springer |
197 | Database | DEXA | International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Springer |
198 | Robotics | ICRA | International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE |
199 | Security Privacy | SAFECOMP | International Conference on Computer Safety, Springer |
200 | Automated Reasoning | LOPSTR | Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, Springer |
201 | Computational Geometry | IMR | International Meshing Roundtable, Springer |
202 | Database | ADBIS | Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Springer |
203 | Software Engineering | EUROMICRO | EUROMICRO Conference, IEEE |
204 | Artificial Intelligence | AIMSA | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Springer |
205 | Multimedia | MMM | Multimedia Modeling, Springer |
206 | Control Systems | RSP | IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, IEEE |
207 | Computer Networks | LCN | Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, IEEE |
208 | Software Engineering | APL | International Conference on APL, ACM |
209 | Fuzzy Logic | RSCTC | International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Springer |
210 | Applied Computing | PARA | International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing, Springer |
211 | Theoretical Computer Science | SOFSEM | Seminar/Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Springer |
212 | VLSI | VLSID | International Conference on VLSI Design, IEEE |
213 | Programming Languages | HIPS | International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, IEEE |
214 | Software Engineering | COMPSAC | Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, IEEE |
215 | Database | DEXAW | International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, IEEE |
216 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | PVM | Parallel Virtual Machine, Springer |
217 | Software Engineering | APSEC | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, IEEE |
218 | Robotics | ROBOCUP | Robot Soccer World Cup, Springer |
219 | Hardware | ICECCS | IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, IEEE |
220 | Automated Reasoning | TARK | Theoretical Aspects Of Rationality And Knowledge, Springer |
221 | Visualization | IV | International Conference on Information Visualisation, IEEE |
222 | Multimedia | ICMCS | International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, IEEE |
223 | Theoretical Computer Science | DIS | Designing Interactive Systems, Springer |
224 | Artificial Intelligence | IBERAMIA | Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
225 | VLSI | DFT | IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems, IEEE |
226 | Embedded Systems | RTCSA | Real-Time and Embedded Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE |
227 | Theoretical Computer Science | SCCC | International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, IEEE |
228 | Hardware | ISMVL | IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, IEEE |
229 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ICPADS | International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE |
230 | Modeling And Simulation | ANSS | Annual Simulation Symposium, IEEE |
231 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | VECPAR | International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, Springer |
232 | Security Privacy | SP | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE |
233 | Artificial Intelligence | KI | Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Kunstliche Intelligenz), Springer |
234 | Automated Reasoning | LACL | International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, Springer |
235 | Intelligent Agents | MABS | International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Agent-Based Simulation, Springer |
236 | Computational Biology | ASM | International Workshop on Abstract State Machines, ASM |
237 | Artificial Intelligence | SBIA | Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
238 | Information Technology | SIGUCCS | User Services Conference, ACM |
239 | Medical Imaging | CBMS | IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE |
240 | Artificial Intelligence | PRICAI | Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
241 | Theoretical Computer Science | RELMICS | International Seminar on the Use of Relational Methods in Computer Science, Springer |
242 | Information Technology | KES | Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Springer |
243 | Human Computer Interaction | APCHI | Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, IEEE |
244 | Computer Animation | CA | Computer Animation, IEEE |
245 | Software Engineering | CODES | International Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design, IEEE |
246 | Modeling And Simulation | DSRT | Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Application, IEEE |
247 | VLSI | GLVLSI | Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, IEEE |
248 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | HCW | Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, IEEE |
249 | Software Engineering | ICRE | IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, IEEE |
250 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | IEEEPACT | International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, IEEE |
251 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | IPPS | International Parallel Processing Symposium, IEEE |
252 | Software Engineering | KBSE | Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, IEEE |
253 | Communications | NOMS | Management of Integrated End-to-End Communications and Services, IEEE |
254 | Computer Graphics | PG | Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE |
255 | Neural Networks | SBRN | Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, IEEE |
256 | Programming Languages | TOOLS | International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, IEEE |
257 | Automated Reasoning | TPHOL | International Workshop on the HOL Theorem Proving System and its Applications, IEEE |
258 | Visual Languages | VL | IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, IEEE |
259 | Visualization | VVS | Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics, IEEE |
260 | Hardware | WIFT | Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques, IEEE |
261 | Theoretical Computer Science | ACMSE | ACM Southeast Regional Conference, ACM |
262 | Computer Vision | ACCV | Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Springer |
263 | Theoretical Computer Science | ACSE | Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education, ACM |
264 | Software Engineering | ADAEUROPE | Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Springer |
265 | Mathematics | ADG | International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, Springer |
266 | Digital Library | ADL | Forum on Advances in Digital Libraries, Springer |
267 | Discrete Geometry | COMPGEOM | ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, ACM |
268 | Formal Methods | AFP | International School on Advanced Functional Programming, Springer |
269 | Security Privacy | AGENTS | International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Springer |
270 | Information Technology | ELPUB | Openness in Digital Publishing: Awareness, ACM |
271 | Multimedia | AMCP | International Conference on Advanced Multimedia Content Processing, Springer |
272 | Formal Methods | FMSP | Formal Methods in Software Practice, ACM |
273 | Internet Technology | HT | Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, ACM |
274 | Intelligent Agents | AMET | International Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Trading (later AMEC), Springer |
275 | Algorithms | ANTS | International Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, Springer |
276 | Software Engineering | ARES | Reliability and Security Availability, Springer |
277 | Artificial Intelligence | ASSISTIVE | Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Springer |
278 | Artificial Intelligence | AUSAI | Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference, Springer |
279 | Software Engineering | B | Recent Advances in the Development and Use of the B Method, Springer |
280 | Communications | CANPC | Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing, Springer |
281 | Computer Animation | CAPTECH | International Workshop on Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments, Springer |
282 | Visualization | NPIV | Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation, ACM |
283 | Security Privacy | CCS | Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ACM |
284 | Human Computer Interaction | CMC | International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, Springer |
285 | Software Engineering | COBUILD | International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings, Springer |
286 | Robotics | CRW | International Workshop on Collective Robotics, Springer |
287 | Image Processing | DAGM | Digital Bildverarbeitung - Digital Image Processing, Springer |
288 | Artificial Intelligence | DAI | Distributed Artificial Intelligence: Architecture and Modelling Workshop, Springer |
289 | Internet Technology | DIGITALCITIES | Community Computing and Support Systems, Springer |
290 | Operating System | SIGOPSE | SIGOPS European Workshop, ACM |
291 | Software Engineering | SIGSOFT | Foundations of Software Engineering, ACM |
292 | Digital Library | DL | Digital Libraries: Current Issues, Springer |
293 | Theoretical Computer Science | DRUMS | Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms, Springer |
294 | Internet Technology | VRML | Virtual Reality Modeling Language Symposium, ACM |
295 | Multimedia | ECMAST | Multimedia Applications, Springer |
296 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ECOOPW | Object-Based Concurrent Computing, Springer |
297 | Artificial Intelligence | EPS | International Conference on Evolutionary Programming, Springer |
298 | Education | ERCIMDL | European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Springer |
299 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | EUROPAR | International Euro-Par Conference, Springer |
300 | Artificial Intelligence | EVOW | Process in Evolutionary Computation Workshop, Springer |
301 | Automated Reasoning | EWCBR | European Workshop on Topics in Case-Based Reasoning, Springer |
302 | Formal Methods | FM | World Congress on Formal Methods, Springer |
303 | Algorithms | FODO | International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms, Springer |
304 | Automated Reasoning | FTP | International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, Springer |
305 | Formal Methods | FTRTFT | International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Springer |
306 | Biometrics | GCB | German Conference on Bioinformatics, Springer |
307 | Automated Reasoning | GIS | International Conference on Geographic Information Systems, ACM |
308 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | HPCN | International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, Springer |
309 | Control Systems | HYBRID | Hybrid Systems, Springer |
310 | Intelligent Agents | IATA | International Workshop on Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications, Springer |
311 | Multimedia | IDMS | International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, Springer |
312 | Artificial Intelligence | IEAAIE | Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Springer |
313 | Programming Languages | IFIP | International Workshop, Springer |
314 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | IRREGULAR | International Workshop/Symposium on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems, Springer |
315 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ISCOPE | International Scientific Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments Conference, Springer |
316 | Communications | ISN | International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Springer |
317 | Hardware | IWMM | International Workshop on Memory Management, Springer |
318 | Discrete Geometry | JCDCG | Japanese Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Springer |
319 | Database | JIT | Web, Springer |
320 | System Software | LCR | International Workshop on Languages, Springer |
321 | System Software | LCTRTS | Languages, Springer |
322 | Communications | MA | International Workshop/Symposium on Mobile Agents, Springer |
323 | Communications | MAS | Mobile Agents and Security, Springer |
324 | Multimedia | MINAR | IAPR International Workshop on Multimedia Information Analysis and Retrieval, Springer |
325 | Hardware | NADA | Prospects for Hardware Foundations, Springer |
326 | Programming Languages | PLILP | International Workshop/Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, Springer |
327 | Programming Languages | POS | International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Springer |
328 | Communications | QCQC | NASA International Conference on Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications, Springer |
329 | Cryptology | SACRYPT | Selected Areas in Cryptography, Springer |
330 | Information Technology | SCHULE | Informatik als Herausforderung an Schule und Ausbildung, Springer |
331 | Artificial Intelligence | SEAAI | Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering, Springer |
332 | Machine Learning | SEAL | Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Springer |
333 | Computer Vision | SMILE | European Workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-Scale Environments, Springer |
334 | Information Technology | SPATIALCOGNITION | Spatial Cognition, Springer |
335 | Graph Theory | TAGT | International Workshop on Theory and Application of Graph Transformations, Springer |
336 | System Software | TIC | International Workshop on Types in Compilation, Springer |
337 | Virtual Reality | VW | International Conference on Virtual Worlds, Springer |
338 | Computer Networks | WAN | Workshop on Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing, Springer |
339 | Algorithms | WDAG | International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms, Springer |
340 | Software Engineering | WER | Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos, Springer |
341 | Artificial Intelligence | WIA | International Workshop on Implementing Automata, Springer |
342 | Applied Computing | WWCA | International Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its Applications, Springer |
343 | Artificial Intelligence | APN | Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Springer |
344 | Intelligent Agents | AAAI | |
345 | Computational Linguistics | ACL | Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, |
346 | Logical Reasoning | AIML | |
347 | Artificial Intelligence | AIPS | |
348 | Software Engineering | AVI | AVI, |
349 | Human Computer Interaction | BCSHCI | British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, |
350 | Knowledge Management | BDA | |
351 | Algorithms | BILDMED | |
352 | Computer Vision | BMVC | |
353 | Database | BNCOD | British National Conference on Databases, |
354 | Communications | BROADBAND | |
355 | Education | CASCON | |
356 | Computer Science | CATA | |
357 | Applied Computing | CATS | |
358 | Computational Geometry | CCCG | |
359 | Theoretical Computer Science | CMG | |
360 | Programming Languages | COOTS | |
361 | Software Engineering | CRIWG | International Workshop on Groupware, |
362 | Software Engineering | DAGSTUHL | Scientific Visualization Conference, |
363 | Database | DBSEC | |
364 | Database | DEDUCTIVE | |
365 | Automated Reasoning | DLOG | |
366 | Information Technology | ECIR | Colloquium on IR Aberdeen, Springer |
367 | Human Computer Interaction | EHCI | |
368 | Neural Networks | ESANN | |
369 | Modeling And Simulation | ESM | |
370 | Formal Methods | FBT | |
371 | Communications | FIW | |
372 | Artificial Intelligence | FLAIRS | |
373 | Artificial Intelligence | FOGA | Foundation of Genetic Algorithms, |
374 | Formal Methods | FORTE | Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, |
375 | Computer Graphics | GRAPHICSINTERFACE | |
376 | Computer Networks | HCC | IEEE CS International Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments, |
377 | Computer Networks | HPN | |
378 | Information Technology | ICIS | International Conference on Information Systems, |
379 | Cryptology | ICISC | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, |
380 | Intelligent Agents | ICMAS | International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, |
381 | Information Technology | ICONIP | International Conference on Neural Information Processing, |
382 | Education | IFIP3 | |
383 | Optimization | IPCO | International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, |
384 | Information Technology | IQ | |
385 | Knowledge Management | ISIWI | |
386 | Computational Biology | ISMB | |
387 | Computer Vision | IVCNZ | |
388 | Internet Technology | IWEB | |
389 | Formal Methods | IWFM | |
390 | Logical Reasoning | JFPLC | |
391 | Database | KRDB | |
392 | Operating System | LISA | |
393 | Modeling And Simulation | MASCOTS | Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems, |
394 | Hardware | MCU | Machines, |
395 | Software Engineering | MODELLIERUNG | |
396 | Computer Vision | MVA | |
397 | Neural Networks | NC | |
398 | Information Technology | NIPS | |
399 | Hardware | OM | |
400 | Knowledge Management | PAKM | Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, |
401 | Image Processing | PICS | |
402 | Programming Languages | PROCOMET | |
403 | Human Computer Interaction | PROLAMAT | |
404 | Hardware | PTS | |
405 | Software Engineering | SCM | Software Configuration Management, |
406 | Database | SEBD | |
407 | Computer Animation | SIMVIS | |
408 | Information Technology | SIROCCO | Structural Information and Communication Complexity, |
409 | Algorithms | SODA | Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, ACM |
410 | Database | SPIESR | |
411 | Information Technology | TC | |
412 | Computer Vision | TFCV | |
413 | Information Technology | TREC | Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce, |
414 | Artificial Intelligence | UAI | |
415 | Database | VDB | |
416 | Internet Technology | W3C | |
417 | Algorithms | WAE | International Workshop on Algorithm Engineering, |
418 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | WDAS | |
419 | Internet Technology | WEBNET | |
420 | Modeling And Simulation | WSC | Winter Simulation Conference, |
421 | Algorithms | AAECC | Int. Conference/Symposium on Applied Algebra, Springer |
422 | Intelligent Agents | AAMAS | Symposium on Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer |
423 | Software Engineering | AIM | |
424 | Artificial Intelligence | AIS | Arificial Intelligence and Simulation, Springer |
425 | Modeling And Simulation | ALIFE | |
426 | Artificial Intelligence | AMAI | International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Springer |
427 | Theoretical Computer Science | CAD | Methoden der Informatik f?r Rechnerunterst?tztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren, Springer |
428 | Information Technology | CAI | International Conference on Algebraic Informatics, Springer |
429 | Computational Geometry | CGA | Computational Geometry and its Applications, |
430 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | CLUSTER | IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, IEEE |
431 | Computational Linguistics | COLING | |
432 | Applied Computing | COMGEO | International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application, ACM |
433 | Education | CORR | Workshop on Service Oriented Computing, Springer |
434 | Internet Technology | DC | |
435 | Mathematics | DMTCS | |
436 | ECommerce | EC | Electronic Commerce, |
437 | Information Technology | EJC | |
438 | Information Technology | EMISA | Informationsbedarfsermittlung und -analyse f?r den Entwurf von Informationssystemen, Springer |
439 | Database | ESE | International Workshop on Expert Systems in Engineering, |
440 | Information Technology | IDA | International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer |
441 | Artificial Intelligence | IS | |
442 | Distributed And Parallel Computing | ISR | |
443 | Cognitive Science | KOGNITIONSWISSENSCHA | |
444 | Machine Learning | ML | Workshop on Machine Learrning, ACM |
445 | Information Technology | MMS | |
446 | Computer Networks | NCA | IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, IEEE |
447 | Computer Networks | NETWORKS | |
448 | Communications | NGC | International COST264 Workshop on Networked Group Communication, Springer |
449 | Neural Networks | NN | International Summer School on Neural Networks, Springer |
450 | Management | PC | |
451 | Optimization | PE | Performance Engineering, Springer |
452 | Software Engineering | RE | IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Springer |
453 | System Software | SIGPLAN | |
454 | Software Engineering | SOCO | International Workshop on Software Composition, Springer |
455 | Applied Computing | SOFTWARE | Int. Conference on Soft Issues in the Design, |
456 | Theoretical Computer Science | TCS | International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, |
457 | Modeling And Simulation | TRIER | |
458 | Information Technology | WI | Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence, |
459 | Internet Technology | WWW | World Wisepersons Workshop, ACM |
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